This is a great topic to encourage even the most reluctant of writers to pick up a pen and start creating content for your publication. Reviewing a movie or a video game enables your writers to focus on something they have an interest in. Here, they can use their opinion to create a piece of work that they can be proud of.
Having knowledge of the subject you are writing about brings out confidence in any writer. Review writing would be our go-to favourite for encouraging writers to get involved. You want your group to feel confident and at ease throughout the project and writing about something they like and have knowledge of is a great starting point.
Key Objectives:
- To understand what a review is.
- To recognise how we can use our opinions to write a review.
- To identify the key elements of a review.
- To plan and pitch a review.
- To write a review.
Resources included in this module:
- Checklist – info covered in the module and resources available.
- Guidelines – all you need to know about Review Writing and how to plan and write a suitable review for publication.
- Suggested lesson plans and a blank template to create your own.
- Worksheets – these cover key information to be featured in reviews, what reviews are, top tips and what people really need to know about.
- Planning templates – to encourage a clear understanding of what should be included in their reviews.
- Facilitator Monitoring Form – an opportunity to capture the engagement, achievements etc of your writers.
Checklist - Module 2 - Review Writing
Guidelines - Review Writing
Lesson Plan - Review Writing Part One
Lesson Plan - Review Writing Part Two
Lesson Plan Template - Green
Worksheet - How Well Do You Know Reviews?
Worksheet - What Do People Really Need To Know About?
Worksheet - Top Tips For Reviewing
Planning Template - Album Review
Planning Template - Book Review
Planning Template - Concert Review
Worksheet - Movie Review
Planning Template - Phone Review
Planning Template - Restaurant Review
Planning Template - Video Game Review
Facilitator Monitoring Form