Research is something we do every day. We have all opened Google and typed in a word or phrase which we are keen to find out more about, at least once in our lives. We research without even thinking of it as research. Uncovering information is just an everyday occurrence and it is vital when you are educating others.
This module will allow your writers to consider alternative forms of research, rather than depending upon search engines. If at all possible, the ideal setting for this part of the programme to take place would be a library or learning resource centre.
Key Objectives:
- To understand the importance of research and its benefits.
- To identify how we can research.
- To show an understanding of fact-checking.
Resources included in this module:
- Checklist – info covered in the module and resources available.
- Guidelines – all you need to know about Researching and how to encourage your writers to explore the various ways of doing this.
- Suggested lesson plans and a blank template to create your own.
- Worksheets – these include what is meant by research, why we do it and putting research to the test.
- Planning templates – to encourage your writers to research a specific person, place or company using a number of sources.
- Facilitator Monitoring Form – an opportunity to capture the engagement, achievements etc of your writers.
Checklist - Researching
Guidelines - Researching
Lesson Plan - What Is Research?
Lesson Plan - Putting Your Researching Skills To The Test
Lesson Plan Template - Blue
Worksheet - How Well Do You Know Research?
Planning Template - Researching a Company
Worksheet - Researching Person
Worksheet - Researching Place
Facilitator Monitoring Form