Interviewing is always a favourite aspect of our workshops, as it allows your writers to put their communication skills to good use. We always recommend you do this over two sessions. The first session will allow your writers to get to grips with the purpose of interviews, why we conduct them and explore who may be a suitable interviewee for the publication.
The second session would potentially be when you would conduct the interview. Doing it this way will allow your writers to relax and enjoy the experience of interviewing someone with who they don’t necessarily know anything about.
Key Objectives
- To understand what an interview is and when they happen.
- To discuss the different types of questions.
- To identify potential interviewees for the project.
- To plan your interview.
- To carry out an in-person interview.
Resources included in this module:
- Checklist – info covered in the module and resources available.
- Guidelines – There are two parts to this module and they include all you need to know about Interviewing and how to plan and conduct an interview with your writers.
- Suggested lesson plans and a blank template to create your own.
- Worksheets – these will help your writers understand why we interview and how to get the best out of our interview.
- Facilitator Monitoring Form – an opportunity to capture the engagement, achievements etc of your writers.
Checklist - Interviewing Part 1
Checklist - Interviewing Part 2
Guidelines-Interviewing Part 1
Guidelines-Interviewing Part 2
Lesson Plan - Interviewing
Lesson Plan - Conducting The Interview
Lesson Plan Template - Pink
Worksheet - How Well Do You Know Interviews
Worksheet - Good Questions, Bad Questions
Worksheet - Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Worksheet - Top Tips for Interviewing
Worksheet - Question Ideas
Facilitator Monitoring Form