The key focus of creating your magazine, newspaper or blog is to provide content for your audience to enjoy, so it is vital that you identify just who your audience is as early as possible. This module will walk you through exactly how to do that.
It will provide you with pointers and how to inspire your team of writers to identify just what their specific audience is looking for and how they can create engaging content for them.
Key Objectives:
- To understand what an audience is.
- To recognise the audience you are creating content for.
- To understand the different types of media.
Resources included in this module:
- Checklist – Info covered in the module and resources available.
- Guidelines – all you need to know about Writing for an Audience and how to determine your audience and what they want.
- Suggested lesson Plans and blank template to create your own.
- Worksheets – these cover various types of media, allow your writers to show their understanding about what an audience is and what a journalist does.
- Facilitator Monitoring Form – an opportunity to capture the engagement, achievements etc of your writers.
Checklist - Module 1 - Writing For An Audience
Guidelines - Writing For An Audience
Lesson Plan - Writing For An Audience
Lesson Plan Template - Pink
Worksheet - Magazines and How They Began
Worksheet - Newspapers and How They Began
Worksheet - Online Media and How It Began
Worksheet - Social Media and How It Began
Worksheet - Our School Magazine or Newspaper
Worksheet - Writing For Your Audience
Worksheet - What Is A Journalist